Sunday, December 31, 2006
Last Few Days
Since Jay got a new Xacti for Xmas, I got the passed down C4. Now I've become a Momentshowing freak-taking little videos all the time. This is why the Xacti rocks compared to my little Kodak-because you can just open the LCD screen and it's on and ready to record. I must say I like it very much. The weird digital audio noise drives me nuts though. I've noticed it on other Xactis as well, I think it's just a bad design flaw. Anyway, enjoy some of my pre-holiday and during-holiday observations in SF, Boston and New Bedford.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
The Naga Crew
The first day of the Air Jaldi Summit was an amazing hike in the mountains-a great way to get to connect with people before a conference. I happened to be talking with Tracy when I mentioned that Jay and I were in India primarily to teach people videoblogging. Tracy freaked and told me that we needed to teach this crew of kids from Nagaland, whom she's been working with, to videoblog. We had a couple extra days in New Delhi before heading home, so of course we were thrilled. This Naga crew has interesting stories because they are from a part of India that wishes to be the sovereign nation that it once was before British Colonial Rule. I have a list of their blogs that I will post when I get home to SF.
here are the naga crew's blogs (see jay's post about why they might not be posting):Yoyo-
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Selling Out Isn't Easy
What Jay said (I've been on a plane all day, I'm tired and I think he explains it well. Thanks Jay!):
"Ryanne and I have just signed a one-year deal with Podtech to license our videos on "sustainable culture". For over 2 years now, the Videoblogging Group has discussed money and advertising. I've always been a pretty big opponent of traditional models creeping into our new art form. Check out this video I made in 2005.
Here are three reasons the deal made sense to us.We own our content. After a year, Podtech will have paid us to create a library of videos. They didn't even flinch when we negotiated this point. They deserve credit for this alone. Podtech will have exclusive rights to put ads on our videos. Shows are different than our personal videoblogs. Ryanne and I each have our own blogs where we'll keep posting our crazy videos. Advertising would never work there. But RyanisHungry is our attempt to create themed content that basically takes the best part of TV viewing and applies it to the web. We'll be focusing on personal stories of people changing their habits. Here's an example of what we'll be doing. So far, Podtech has made clear that we have artistic control as long as we focus on sustainable culture. Guaranteed money. Podtech is giving us a set amount of money each month. We certainly aren't getting rich, but one of us can work on these videos full time since it's content we believe in. I'm not sure I trust the "advertising revenue sharing" that other sites like Revver are pioneering just yet. To me, only the most popular videos can make a decent living for ads clicks. I also don't have time to go out and find customized sponsorship.
I hope that we can set the example for future deals that will be fair to both videobloggers and companies. I give Podtech props for being so progressive during this honeymoon period. We expect to continue working well together. I give a big shout out to Morty Wiggins and Colette Vogele (who wrote the Legal Guide for Podcasters) for helping us through this process.
So watch our for the first videos starting on January 15th. Two videos a week for a year. oh boy.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
2 Years Videoblogging

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today is my two year videoblogging anniversary. i can't believe it's been that long since i started. 2 years ago to the day was when jay dedman sent me a comment in response to this comment i made on his blog saying "get a blog, get an RSS feed, link your videos there" (you can see the whole conversation there! -don't you love the internet?). and i did. and here i am. check out my first post. today is also my mom's birthday. happy birthday mom!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Carp Caviar Season 2 Promo

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It's that time of the year again. Funny that videoblogging has even been around long enough for me to say that. Erik Nelson over at Bottom Union is starting up the Carp Caviar series again in December. Join the fun, make a promo and send it to him. He'll gladly post it over at BU.
Music created in Soundtrack. Footage from, you guessed it, India. I'm going to try to make a straight cut of this footage, because it's too damn cool, and the original music is rad too. But no serious promises.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Tech Conferences: Where Are The Women?

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This has been bugging me for a while now. Whenever I attend a conference (excluding BlogHer) there is an incredible lack of women presenters. I found this to be true at Air Jaldi in Dharmasala India, so much so that I felt the need to make a point out of them. It makes me feel like these organizers think women's voices are not as important to search for as men's. I've heard the excuse several times of "Well, there aren't that many women doing this kind of work." Bullshit. There are tons of techie chics doing all kinds of work, many of them end up in the audience, but rarely on stage. I commend the organizers of BlogHer for documenting and showing the tech world that, hey, there are lots of women doing this kind of work and they have a lot to say. Goddamnit.
Another typical example is The Future of Web Apps summit scheduled to happen again next year. I received an email from Mel (just found out Mel is female!), the organizer, saying "get your tickets early!". I remembered the San Francisco summit looked like this:

I suggested a list of women that should be invited to speak and she responded telling me that most of their spots are filled, but they have secured 2 women to speak, Tara Hunt of Citizen Agency and Gina Bianchini of Ning. Well that's something. I guess 2 is the magic number for women speaking at conferences.
My humble solution as of this moment is to not just complain that there are not enough women speaking (though this is a start to help people realize it's a problem) but to start making a list of women media makers, programmers, bloggers, project managers etc. so that when I get the excuse "We couldn't find anyone." I can pull out the list of women that they couldn't find and make some suggestions. So, ladies, help me out. Lets get a list of women who should be speaking at these things and make their names more known. What say you?
Another typical example is The Future of Web Apps summit scheduled to happen again next year. I received an email from Mel (just found out Mel is female!), the organizer, saying "get your tickets early!". I remembered the San Francisco summit looked like this:

I suggested a list of women that should be invited to speak and she responded telling me that most of their spots are filled, but they have secured 2 women to speak, Tara Hunt of Citizen Agency and Gina Bianchini of Ning. Well that's something. I guess 2 is the magic number for women speaking at conferences.
My humble solution as of this moment is to not just complain that there are not enough women speaking (though this is a start to help people realize it's a problem) but to start making a list of women media makers, programmers, bloggers, project managers etc. so that when I get the excuse "We couldn't find anyone." I can pull out the list of women that they couldn't find and make some suggestions. So, ladies, help me out. Lets get a list of women who should be speaking at these things and make their names more known. What say you?
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Tibetan Kids Vlogging!

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Check it out though, we've been teaching some Tibetan teenagers how to vlog. It's a difficult task when they have a computer lab full of donated PCs with Windows 98 on them. Thank goodness some folks donated a Mac mini so it'll be possible to edit and upload some imovie fun. Check out what they've done so far at
I'm getting a little homesick and last night Jay had cold chills and couldn't sleep. Getting sick in India sucks and we hope it's not malaria. Please god, not malaria.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tibetans Killed Traveling to Dharamsala
The television footage you see here has been circulating the internet for the last couple weeks. It originates from Pro TV a Romanian TV network. It really emphasizes the power of video as hard proof of what happens in the world. The Chinese government denies that the Tibetans were killed in cold blood. They claim they shot in self defense and that the Tibetans were threatening them. We can clearly see in the video that this is not the case. For a more in depth story see the Boing Boing post. I made this video for myself as well as all you, to try to communicate the reality of what these people have gone through and continue to go through to live free lives. Every child at this Tibetan Children's Village in Dharmasala have made that dangerous trek from Chinese occupied Tibet. Some never make it.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Hangin with Parasher
After we presented at the University (see that video at Momentshowing), we hung out with Parasher and he showed us around Mumbai. Mumbai is huge and filled with people and traffic and food and sounds. I generally dislike shooting out a car window, feels lazy to me, but man, the stuff you see out the car window in India is unlike anything else. I also like to see what TV is like in other places. Equally as bright and flashy, but so different. Well, except for all the American programming that gets played. And Cricket! Cricket is nuts.
p.s. while i'm fully enjoying my time in Dharamsala at the Air Jaldi conference, something that is pissing me off is, as usual, there are all men speakers and panelists. WTF! Here I am half way around the world and I'm at a fucking boys club tech conference again. I guess it's the same everywhere. See the Schedule HERE, help me find the women, because i'm only seeing like 2.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Party Unbelievable

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man this took all day to finish!! first my compression was fucked up- h.264 does this thing sometimes where it compresses fine for the first half of the video, and then the second half is all shitty looking and super compressed. that kept happening every time i tried, finally i pieced it together in QuickTime Pro. Sheesh! and then i tried to upload to blip and for some reason, here in india, uploading to blip is a pain in the ass. because it says it's all uploaded, but it's tricking you and just sitting there with the progress bar full while it continues to upload for real. so it's midnight...and i'm finally publishing this! just for you to see some monkeys and cobras- it was worth it!
today i was sick. which i think is normal for me when i travel, i tend to get easily overwhelmed and this translates into a head cold. this is exactly what happened. and i'm sad i missed out on some cool things, like hanging out with FTI Pune film students and telling them about videoblogging. SIGH. but i got some rest, and that's what i needed. boo.
today i was sick. which i think is normal for me when i travel, i tend to get easily overwhelmed and this translates into a head cold. this is exactly what happened. and i'm sad i missed out on some cool things, like hanging out with FTI Pune film students and telling them about videoblogging. SIGH. but i got some rest, and that's what i needed. boo.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

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man oh man! am i tired. we just spent a little over 24 hours in Mumbai (aka bombay) one of the biggest cities in the world, bigger than NYC in terms of population density. my head is still spinning from all the activity and people and rickshaws and people and exhaust. thanks to parasher (who you see in this video) for showing us around and letting us stay at his flat. thank god we have friends here!!
About the video- this is called mehndi, which is an application of henna onto the skin for decoration. it's pretty wide spread in the US now, so i'm sure some of you have heard of it and/or even had it done. it's fun to watch and these women were super fast and skilled. i'm totally getting this done for my wedding (someday).
About the video- this is called mehndi, which is an application of henna onto the skin for decoration. it's pretty wide spread in the US now, so i'm sure some of you have heard of it and/or even had it done. it's fun to watch and these women were super fast and skilled. i'm totally getting this done for my wedding (someday).
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Second Day in India
Jay and I share a camera if you couldn't tell already. Thanks to Jay for editing! Also featured over at Momentshowing. we're heading to Mumbai tomorrow to do a presentation to some Mass Media students about videoblogging. Pretty darn cool.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Pune, India: Our First Day
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We made it to India (Pune to be specific)! It's a damn long flight, but here we are. Enjoy the evidence of our first day.
We made it to India (Pune to be specific)! It's a damn long flight, but here we are. Enjoy the evidence of our first day.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Night Before
we go to india in the morning, though it will take about 30 hours! here's a little snippet to show off how little we packed. this is probably the least i've ever packed and we're going for a month. i'm impressed with us.
be warned, this video is compressed with h.264, so if you don't have quicktime 7, go get it so you can watch this and all other videos here after.
be warned, this video is compressed with h.264, so if you don't have quicktime 7, go get it so you can watch this and all other videos here after.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
PSA-DIY: The Desk
this video is a 3 week journey. a 10 min, 49 mb, 3 week journey. i am experimenting with making video sizes larger, as are a few other folks like schlomo and because we've been working with widescreen stuff on RyanIsHungry and Scoble's show. so i'm less afraid to push it a little bit. enjoy!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
3 minutes of OMG
today was like motherfucking christmas. sony lent me a VX2100 camera to check out (OMG). we bought tickets to go to india for a month because we were invited to the air jaldi conference in dharamsala (OMG). i'm speechless and incredibly grateful. so much so, that i decided to compress this video in real widescreen!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Big Momentshowing

Saturday, August 12, 2006
We Went To Montana
Here are some clips from being in the great state of Montana and other surrounding ones as well.

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To see the slick edited version of Off The Grid, Visit or click the cute little icon....
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
"Off the Grid" Picts
Working on some videos of course. Here are some photos by Eddie. Thank god other people take photos. Check out the whole "Vlog Bus" Flickr set too. We're still in Montana, but not exactly "Off the Grid" since we are all internet addicts and need our daily fix of wifi.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Update 8.2.2006
hey all! these are things i mentioned in this video: Off the Grid Camp Out in Montana, Node101 Weekend Worldwide!, Josh Wolf goes to Jail: SF Chronicle article, RyanIsHungry Video of first Press Conference, Josh's Blog with Post from his Mom and Legal Defense Fund Donate; HMWV and pouringdown present- Seven Maps.
Technorati Tag: joshwolf
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Sometimes I Feel Like This
Know what I mean? Jay definately caught me in a mood. That mood seems to have been lasting about 2 weeks. I'm slowly slipping out of it though. Thanks to things like Node101 Weekend which remind me that there is still hope in the world.

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Ryan Is Hungry: Birth of a New Vlog
With our latest geek interview, I give thee Ryan Is Hungry, Jay and my new vlog documenting the goings on in SF Bay Area Geek and Environmental community. Rock on and Subscribe HERE.
For more info on Bowling 2.0 go HERE
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Have Money Will Vlog-Pouringdown: Seven Maps
We have a new project up at Have Money Will Vlog. It's a collaborative game with Daniel Liss of Go to HMWV to see Daniel's Pitch, donate some cash and Subscribe to Seven Maps.
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Saturday, July 01, 2006
What the heck is BarCamp? Watch and find out why I want it to inspire the new model for Node101.
Music by me, done in Soundtrack.
Music by me, done in Soundtrack.
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Tahoe in 45 Seconds

Jay took me to Lake Tahoe for my birthday weekend and for time off after Vloggercon. Hurray for nature and vacations! Yeah the cats went too. I know, we're freaks.
Music by me, done in Soundtrack.
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Allyse Heartwell: SF Oil Awareness
We were able to speak with Allyse Heartwell from The SF Oil Awareness Group about Peak Oil and what San Franciscan's are doing about it. Jay and I have been researching a lot about Bio-diesel and have too realized that there are no magic answers to the peak oil problem. Conservation is the key. Thanks Allyse!

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Today is my Birthday

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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Videoblogging at Bloggercon!
Videoblogging as a medium is exploding and the community is growing exponentially. How we can continue to leverage the power of video on blogs for social change, art making, communication and education? With Vloggercon 2006 behind us, what have we learned and how can we continue to take action? How have you been using video on your blog? How can we teach others? Let's fire up the conversation before Bloggercon!
Check out the Schedule HERE

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Check out the Schedule HERE

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Post Vloggercon Breakfast

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
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