direct .mov file
today is my two year videoblogging anniversary. i can't believe it's been that long since i started. 2 years ago to the day was when jay dedman sent me a comment in response to this comment i made on his blog saying "get a blog, get an RSS feed, link your videos there" (you can see the whole conversation there! -don't you love the internet?). and i did. and here i am. check out my first post. today is also my mom's birthday. happy birthday mom!
Happy Anniversary!
Notice how last year you edited the shit out of video and this year you put up a three and a half minute unedited video (I didn't even make a video this year)? What does it mean Ryanne, what does it mean?
ha ha
you're right!
i think it means we're too busy trying to make a living doing videoblogging this year and last year, well we were doing the same thing but with a little more time on our hands, no?
Happy anniversary. And just think I only found this place not too long after you started this video blog. And it was cool that you shot yourself calling your mother to wish her a happy birthday.
Two Things:
1. You say things to your mom like, "well, your computer is faster!"..while I say things to my mom like, "You would enjoy the internet more if you got off AOL.".
2. My house is showing up on the internets way too much and it's scareing me!!! Dirty, dirty house!!!
you forgot to mention it was also mcd's birthday. happy birthday mom. i call my mom and i say "did you guys get a VCR yet?"...no that's not actually true. but once jimmy put a candle in our VCR and we had to bring it to mary's to get it fixed..then a few years later mary was poisoned by a member of the mob or something..but she lived. not my mom "mary", another mary who owned a video store. this was before DVDs and videoblogs.
Happy Anniversary! Not sure we had more time last year - maybe just learning and playing with the tech provided more content.
Here's to more vlog work in 2007.
Keep it up.
You have been a great (GREAT) inspiration to a LOT of videobloggers. I guess that's all I have to say really. What elses can I say when so much people already have said all there is to say?
Hey Ryanne!
I wanted to say congrats, and drop a bit of an update for the occasion:
NewTV in Newton just moved to a new building. Its our own, nice big space. The place looks friggin posh (particulary when you realize that we arent even a commercial station).
Also, Ive gotten to meet my favorite director, Kevin Smith, thanks to doing some intern stuff at CN8 (the comcast network) in Brookline.
Particularly I wanted to say I vibe with you in your effort to educate people about vlogging and encourage regular folks to use media tools to communicate, motivate and innovate. Ive been attending MassBay for the past year (plans are to transfer to MassArt) majoring in Communication. I have taken Mass Media, Communication, and Film, and along with my work in public access and rocking on the internet with video and podcast projects, it has been nothing but encouraging in my contuing to talk with people about media literacy and everything else that you already know is so cool about media arts and community. Myself and a friend have also pulled off a few presentations and screenings of and about this kind of stuff.
Peep vids off my pal Lawrences page at http://youtube.com/user/captureman
Also, I will promo your vlog on my podcast: http://gcast/com/u/mphelanotoole
Rock on!
Mike OToole
Happy Anniversary!
I'm just getting into the whole vlogging thing myself right now, and it's good to see other vloggers doing well at it. Congrats!
happy anniversary ryan! i forgot all about my anniversaries this year, but still doing it, which is the point.
Thanks for energizing people. What a great thing to do!
Happy anniversary! You know - this post made me realize I don't know when I started vlogging... I think I need to go look that up and add to my iCal (since I'm terrible with dates).
The great thing is - think of how many people you've inspired to start their own vlogs. I know you had a lot of influence on me to get more invloved in the community.
Can you e-mail me your mailing address?
I always come late to the party. I only just made a boring plain old text blog, I have no idea how to do a video one! You´re simply amazing!
Keep on keeping on !
Jude. English crap woman blogger in Buenos Aires
Happy Videoblogging Anniversary!
One is for sure RYANNE ROCK'S!
Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary! Your work is so fresh and inspirational, I really love it. Thanks for your India experiences! Tonight I started taking pics of those YMM ("yet more men") tech panels and will post to Flickr. You're right, the conference organizers never even consider that they should have women there. Can't wait to see more of your work and thanks for teaching me too :)
I really like this little video, oh and happy birthday to Jena!
Hey! Congrats on the Podtech deal!
Come see what I have been working on since my Off the Grid adventure. You in particular were an inspiration to me.
Thank you!
It's been 2 years already? Wowsers.
Super-late to this party but I've been without a computer for a spell and I'm just now catching up. Congratulations! Two years--jeez. What an amazing trip it must be for you. Did you ever think you'd be where you are now two years ago?
I actually bet you did!
Congrats, Ryanne!
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