i finally did turn the heat on. even i couldn't stand it.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
You Are The Winner
the winnies was really fun! Irina, Lan, Vu and Bonny threw a great party! and that now concludes NaVloPoMo07. i now dub december NaVloPoMoWaMo National Videoblog Posting Month Watching Month. because i know we all have to go back and watch everything that everyone made.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
3 Years Ago Today
i can't believe it's been 3 years. amazing. as always, i'm inspired by you all.
music: Reverse Rose by skoria via ccmixter.org
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Lumiere 6: Apple Juice
it's been tough keeping up with navlopomo. being in rural virginia and trying to find wifi and keep my camera charged and then getting a head cold has not been good for posting video. i have been taping every day, so i'm going to back date some...i write my own rules here. drink plenty of apple juice when you get sick. i ordered this and the waitress said
do you have a cold?yes, yes i do.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Laptop Shot
my sister was hanging out in california at the end of sustainable route. this was what it was like to hang out with us. two laptops, two pairs of headphones...
did you say something?dorks.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Cheap and Green Insulation: Recycled Paper Cellulose
i taped this while working in the country on jay's dad's building and decided to turn it into a RyanIsHungry post as well. double post action!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
a while back, jay thought it would be ok to post a video of me sleeping...without first asking me. i was pretty mad. we made a pact to ask each other first if we could post more sensitive moments. jay told me to tape him snoring, because he didn't believe that he actually did it. well, he does! battle cat too!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
this is the first thanksgiving ever that i have not spent at my mother's house. will be the same for christmas. thought i'd make it feel like i was home with a "pumpkin pie" with whipped cream from scratch. that's my mom's favorite (along with green jello and cream cheese mold, needless to say, i skipped that one!). check out our spread! jay and i cooked for his family. it was fun and they were pretty much beside themselves that we could cook, esp jay, because after all, the men are supposed to stay out of the kitchen right?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Screaming Silently: The Ranch
this is a survey for my own personal uses as well as to share the insanity. i'm starting to feel a little crazy looking at the rust colored wall to wall carpet, the textured walls/ceilings and the fake, walnut, wood panels. not sure jay's dad is feeling the 'let's paint this entire house' vibe that we're putting out. he will...oh he will! sigh.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
No You Didn't
jay and i are in the country. rural virginia at his dad's little house on the prairie. the house we're staying was built circa 1978-1982. it got decorated then and stayed that way. we're thinking of maybe spending more time here, living on both coasts. and, as many of you know of me, i need things to be refinished if they are looking shabby. day one- i tackle the tiny details like light switches and outlet covers that are coated in wall paper. oh no you didn't do that! and look what they used to adhere the paper to the plastic! it's like a horror film. tomorrow you get a tour. and my obsessive thoughts on how to improve the space. these things make me feel better about the world.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Virgin America: Airline Geekery
we flew an overnight flight on the fancy new virgin america from SFO to DC. i must say it was an extremely pleasant experience. i usually don't give a fuck about hyped up corporations trying to be hip or geeky but seriously the simple fact that we could plug our laptops in to work and watch stuff made the 5 hour flight go by fast. and they have their interactive entertainment computers running on linux. nice! soon they will have satellite wifi or so they say. too bad oil is going to run out and no one will be able to afford (economically as well as environmentally) to fly...ah the hey days of humanity....
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Winnies DIY Trophies
if you come to the winnies and you RSVP'd beforehand and you produce video for the web, YOU WIN! just bring an old trophy to give out because this is like a secret santa thing were you are are assigned another person to give your trophy to. so hit the salvation army (or your mantel if you won a vloggie last year) and bring it on! i'll be setting up a DIY, crafty table so you can decorate your thrifty trophies too!
Tile Is Done
does anyone really care? i finished the floor today. i like the grout color, it brings out the color in the cabinets. will this solve world hunger? no, totally not.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Show In A Box Hackathon
this happened back in september and i realized i never posted any of it. a whole bunch of us got together, several people flew out, to spend the weekend hacking wordpress into a kick ass videoblogging platform. we're all busy folks, but we're still hacking away, trying to make it a really creative and slick platform for creators to showcase their work. make wordpress more than a text blog with video thrown on it. i love these people!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Oh My God...Editing
i've edited 3 big jobs for pay this week. one of them is not done yet. i'm tired. my eyes hurt. this clip is 2 years and one month old. guess i'm still editing.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Every Day I Think...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
First Tile EVER!
today, we make more messes with floors. this time it's the kitchen. pulled up the old vinyl covering and replaced it with ceramic tile. this is the first time we'ved ever done this. it's a learning experience for sure. if it weren't navlopomo, i wouldnt have taped or edited this. i'm exhausted!!! thanks navlopomo for making me do this..it's a cool document to have. i think within the week, this will be done. sweet.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
these apartments have no insulation at all. you pull up the floor and there is about a foot gap of space before the other person's ceiling begins. this means our neighbor can hear every fucking movement you make. and he really don't like it. so we are pulling the floor up to start soundproofing. always something to learn around here.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
San Mateo Moments
funny, there is this meme started by rupert to show your workspace. i totally did this unintentionally too. was looking for clips i had never posted and here it is, my desk and the view from my desk and what i do when i leave my desk for a break. weird!
Friday, November 09, 2007
Lumiere 5: Garden, South Central, Los Angeles
got to tape some folks growing lots of food in south central (now known as 'South LA'). video to come on RyanIsHungry soon-ish!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Lumiere 4: Titanic Cafe, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
wow, totally weird that i found this. i was all prepared to post lumiere #5 and i was like, 'wait, what was #4???' well, #4 never got posted and has been sitting on my computer for 5 months. sheesh! i guess #5 will have to wait til tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
was editing an interview from thailand today and found this footage tacked onto the end of it. it was this little bunny pen at this place we stayed at for a few days. i was missing my kitties and became very attached to hanging out with the bunnies. they are so cute!!! i couldn't get enough, as you can see.
day 6 of NaVloPoMo, yeah!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Writers Guild On Strike
we were in LA today and got to witness the strikes firsthand. good for them.
NaVloPoMo Day 5 y'all. what will it be like on Day 17? will we all be totally burnt?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Retro Desk Re-do
this is one of my favorite furniture projects yet. took FOREVER. but it was worth it!
cross posted on Ryanne Refinishes too!
Process: The Bathroom
when jay and i moved into the eco-village apartment, we painted the entire thing. my favorite room is the bathroom. i feel like the bathroom can be a little more experimental when it comes to color than any other room. it's small, it has a bunch of fixtures, you can get bold and not ruin a whole room. it also has a lot of light, so the dark walls don't make it feel like a cave. i had fun with this one. been meaning to post this for 6 months now!
cross-posted on Ryanne Refinishes too!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Ashley's Tattoo: November 19th, 2005
as you can see this happened almost exactly 2 years ago. yes, it's taken me 2 years to post this. i'm glad NaVloPoMo, National Vlog Posting Month, has given me the motivation to do so. the weird thing about this video? that it was almost exactly 2 years ago AND i'm wearing the exact same shirt as i was on that day.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Rice Mill in Thailand
today is the first day of november, which is now NaVloPoMo or National Vlog Posting Month which is a riff off of National Blog Posting Month which originated as National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo. so, a bunch of us are posting a video a day for all of november. can we do it? YES. so can you! just start posting today (or tomorrow or the next day or whenever) and join the little ning group so we all know to encourage each other. post anything and everything. think of it not as a month of toil, but a month of FREEDOM!!
i think i'll be pulling things from my archive that i've been meaning to post for a while. this is good motivation for sure!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Ash and I at Amy and Dave's Wedding
My sister, Ashley, and I went to Amy Mae and Dave's wedding. It was fun, we dressed up, danced and documented.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Burning Man: Day 1
here are a few moments from our first day at burning man. some more slickster videos are on RyanIsHungry.com. this is the chill version. i'm thinking next year we need a videoblogger camp. yep yep.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Thailand: Week 1
ok here we are in thailand! been here for more than a week. hard to find good internet and time to edit. we've been shooting a lot of video for Prevent Human Trafficking, so check out their site in the next month or so for more videos.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Cambodia to Vietnam
more momentshowing. this is how we take pictures. people tell us to upload our photos to flickr, but i never take photos, i guess momentshowing is just our version of photos. cambodia to vietnam. the shot of me frantically and obsessively trying to upload video to the web on an old PC in the internet cafe cracks me up. look at my face! i look crazed! it's true, i must upload or else! now we're in thailand. i'm liking it so far! bangkok is huge, it reminds me of LA.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Cambodian Light Orphanage
We visited the Cambodian Light Children's Orphanage a few days ago. It was amazing to see how much can happen with so few resources and money in a place like the slums of Phnom Penh. A little bit of money for Westerners can go a really long way in a place like this. The children here just blew me away with their dancing and musical skills. The performance you'll see in the video was just so beautiful. Mr. Pat Noun, the founder of the orphanage, was so welcoming. All the improvements he wants create to help the kids be just a little bit more comfortable while trying to learn was super inspiring.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Lumiere 3: Metro Cafe Bathroom, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
this is a fancy internet cafe in the touristy part of phnom penh. good food, free internet...color changing walls.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Cambodia: Days 2 and 3
yesterday we went to some pretty intense and amazing places. recorded mostly on the big camera so you'll get to see them later. 2 orphanages, one in a rural village and one in the urban slums. it feels weird bringing cameras in to those places, but it seemed that everyone there, children and adults, welcomed us. i really love hanging out with kids. they're so playful even under the worst circumstances. pretty amazing. thanks for watching, i'm so excited to be able to share this stuff with everyone almost instantly! and i'm glad people care to watch. i love videoblogging.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Cambodia: Day 1
jay and i made it to cambodia! the first day was recovering from the long flight and checking the place out. damn internet is slow here. this 20mb file took two attempts, one canceled after an hour upload to blip. the second, i'm FTPing using internet explorer to my own server. nutty, but not impossible!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Lumiere 2: Sleeping
another lumiere. our old sony camera does timelapse. hell yeah. man, i move a lot in my sleep! does this count as a lumiere if it's timelapse?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
We're going to Thailand and Cambodia!
we're going to southeast asia to work with Prevent Human Trafficking Institute to help them document the work they're doing to, as their name implies, prevent human trafficking. we are super excited to be helping an organization like this share their stories on the web through video. we recorded this video using a Vcam Now 2.0 toy camera.
Thanks to Nick Schmidt for sending me 20 Thai bucks!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Lumiere 1: Verdi Lines
hey verdi, we finished painting the brown lines. THERE IS NO AUDIO, btw.
make your own lumiere video- these are the rules: 60 seconds max, Fixed camera, No audio, No zoom, No edit, No effects. See others here. Send Andreas an email, andreas@solitude.dk, and get on that page too.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Cruise Hell
jay and i have been traveling a lot and posting like crazy over at RyanIsHungry. last weekend we went on a cruise to the bahamas for Jay's Sister's Wedding. i'm more of a working vacation kinda gal. i need my wifi and coffee. which, thank god, they did have on the boat but it was expensive!! now we're off to Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam to do some video work for Project Hope International. more on that soon.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Pixelodeon Rocked!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Pixelodeon: Still Working Hard For You
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