Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Party Unbelievable

Party Unbelievable
direct .mov file

man this took all day to finish!! first my compression was fucked up- h.264 does this thing sometimes where it compresses fine for the first half of the video, and then the second half is all shitty looking and super compressed. that kept happening every time i tried, finally i pieced it together in QuickTime Pro. Sheesh! and then i tried to upload to blip and for some reason, here in india, uploading to blip is a pain in the ass. because it says it's all uploaded, but it's tricking you and just sitting there with the progress bar full while it continues to upload for real. so it's midnight...and i'm finally publishing this! just for you to see some monkeys and cobras- it was worth it!

today i was sick. which i think is normal for me when i travel, i tend to get easily overwhelmed and this translates into a head cold. this is exactly what happened. and i'm sad i missed out on some cool things, like hanging out with FTI Pune film students and telling them about videoblogging. SIGH. but i got some rest, and that's what i needed. boo.


ryanne said...

p.s. i'll be the first to comment on this-
yeah it was totally freaky that they had monkeys on leashes and snakes in bags. i do not condone treating any animals like this. it made a lot of people at the party uncomfortable as well. but that's just the way it was...

Carl Weaver said...

You are right, Ryanne. It was amazing to see but sad all the same, and possibly cruel. I hope they are good to the animals.

This was beautfiul. I hope you and Jay are getting some dough from the Tourism Board of India!

schlomo rabinowitz said...

I think feeling uncomfortable in the situation is part of the fun!

You want confortable, go eat some Wonder Bread.:)

I'm so living vicariously through you two. I'll go back to my life later.

Anonymous said...

I love these posts from India! Thanks so much for sharing them.

I often get sick when I travel. I have learned that taking acidophilus can help boost your immunity. I don't know if you can get that but its well worth the try especially if you are consuming foods your not used to eating.

JuanFalla said...


I don't like snakes. They have this weird control over me. It's what I probably fear the most.

At first, when the guy let it go, and the snkae went off, and then he grabbed it at the last minute.... THAT freaked me out at first. Specially when it happend the last time.... I even moved back away from the computer screen.

Yes, "I moved away from the computer screen".

Then, when the cobra "stood up", and the guy grabbed it by it's neck and liftef it.... AT this moment I realized I was like 4 feet away from the computer monitor.

Yes, I know, I'm kindda stupid reacting like this at a video. But what can I say? I fear snakes... FEAR THEM!

Zadi said...

hope you feel better. looks like you're having an amazing time. i'm looking at your eyes and can see you're totally "there."

Erin said...

The look on Jay's face when he was watching the marrionettes was priceless! That looked a very unusual party. It's so cool that you guys get to have these cool/strange experiences together all because of videoblogging. Been enjoying the India videos immensely! Hope you're feeling better soon.

ryanne said...

hey jen
yes i'm a huge fan of acidophilus as well. i have a whole bottle full with me. i need to dose up on it today for sure!

Rachael G. said...

party like a Ballywood star - nice!

I imagined the monkeys were coming in through the windows and just chillin on the couch, not on leashes! Don't ask me what I was thinking.

and I'm with Juan on the snake thing. I totally feared for that guy's life when he held the cobra by its "neck" - totally freaked.

Feel better and keep this footage coming. I love it!

Steve Woolf said...

Man oh man that would freak me out. Snakes, monkeys, marionettes, and Indian wizards. I feel overwhelmed from here.

Unknown said...

that's absolutely amazing, first time that I watch three times a vlog, very interesting and e really good job 'cause that makes feel like beeing there

Verdi said...


Enric said...

Thanks for putting in the time and aggravation to make this available. It's a treat to see what you're up to in India.

BTW, the video doesn't play on the iPod (at least mine.) I've had problems getting h265 to work on the iPod and I suspect that's what's happening.

missbhavens said...

Wow. Like superholyfrickin' wow! Now THAT'S a party! Snakes, magicians, monkeys and marionettes? I want my wedding to be like that! What a scene! Yeah--it was a little tough to see monkeys on leashes, but other cultures havve totally different relationships with animals than Americans do. A whole lot less emotionally involved in some respects...or, at least, a different type of emotional involvement. The whole thing reminded me of a bad elephant experience I had in Saigon.

But those snakes! Sexy! Freaky and a little creepy, but still sexy!

Anonymous said...

oh well it seems like a very different experience. they just handle animals in different ways out there. They actually have a huge respect for the cows and snakes. Hence why the cows were roaming around the city. Plus they have annual parties in order to celebrate the cobra and snakes.

but it was awesome to see you guys experiencing this and the footabe was great and close, so it made me feel like i was there.. thanks..!!

Chuck Leggett said...

What a great vid! I wish I had one of those monkeys!

Paris Marashi said...

watching the cobra's... they were really something else! and the expression on Jay's face to the puppets was priceless!! Even better than the puppets!

Levois said...

Those are some cute monkeys. I wish I could have a monkey as a pet. Though I think those guys were taking a chance with those pythons.

Anthony said...

This is so awesome. The video quality is spectacular. The editing, well you did it and its great. The sights, the sounds, the people, the culture....oh man it is all wonderful.
I have yet to go oversees. I was so wrapped up in this video. Pretending in some small way that I was there. And that is part of what this videoblogging does it lets you be there with someone else. Thanks for taking me along. Thanks for sharing this with us. May your time in India be filled with many more parties and cool experiences. Wow, imagine what happens when more and more of those folks learn to vlog. I wonder what kind of things we'll be able to see then. Wonderful.

Chris Ritke said...

Woah - our mouths are still wide open. Holy cow. Good to see you guys are having a good time.

Uh - btw - this video crashed my PC Firefox. Good thing we have a few macs around here :-)

Anonymous said...

Wooow those snakes freak me out. Nice party tough and like someone else said it is good to feel some fear once in a while. Its like if you do not know what hate is how can you love?

Sweet T said...

WOW! amazing video, ryanne. i hope you guys are having a good time... or had a good time. i've been outta the loop for 3 weeks. hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

huh. more animal planet outtakes. there's not a whole lot of difference between this and pbs or cable. it's just that the delivery is compacted for minimal impact i think. nonetheless it's quite an experience you are having. from your pov.

ryanne said...

not much difference between cable or pbs?
what do you mean?

Michael Meiser said...

Anonymous said...

huh. more animal planet outtakes. there's not a whole lot of difference between this and pbs or cable. it's just that the delivery is compacted for minimal impact i think. nonetheless it's quite an experience you are having. from your pov.

2:29 PM


first of all said anonymous person is an obvious troll...

love the "quite an experiend... from your point of view"... hilarious. :)

Second, the person obviously hasn't watched to many vlogs... they judge everything through the lense of the last 50 years of mainstream media... because that's the only thing they have to compare it to.

Third... vlogging has no need to be as litteral and obvious as mainstream media.. this is because of four and five...

Fourth, this is not made to be watched by everyone in the world

Fifth, context is all important... it reveals it sell as layers of meaning... like the layers of an onion.... that you know jay and ryanne... that you read the text of the post, that you have seen other episodes of the vlog... that you know the basis of the trip... the comments themselves... the point is it's far more than just a video

the narative is exploded... the video itself is just a word in a sentence... a slice of a story, it is not the story iteself

meanwhile pbs and discovery work on very rigid and simple concepts of narrative

1) each show or series is made to be completely self contained

2) consumeable by anyone with a 3-6 grade education

3) the only other primary narative outside of that contained in the show... is the brand that is pbs or discovery themselves

4) references to larger cultural or socialogical naratives are often abstract, undefined and often even denied as in news shows who often deny larger narratives to hide or pretend they have no bias

vlogging is a completely knew language, because it is new it is not as highly structured or rigid, it is complex, and beautiful... an evolvling poetry of interplay between multiple elements of image, sound and text, not encapsulating meaning, but giving way to the exploration of all manner of understanding and knowlege... as can be seen in variety of topics explored in the comments.

Catalyst not encapsulator.

Chuck Olsen said...

wow, that was incredible.
i need to catch up on your amazing India videos. congrats on the National Geo mention!

i don't think the pbs comment was meant at all to be bad. to anyone outside of our little circle of vloggers that would be seen as a compliment - like, your video is as good and interesting as that, just in a more compact delivery with your own point of view. nothing wrong with that.

Chuck Leggett said...

This video is featured in Vlog Gumbo 10.

Chuck Olsen said...

huh. more animal planet outtakes.

oops! reading it again, i take it back. anon is rather trollish. i was focussing on the pbs part of the comment...