Saturday, November 01, 2008

Cow Petting

My sister and I were visiting my grandma in Florida. She has a bunch of cows on her land. They act like big kitties, it was really cute. Ash made a video about this too. VloMo08! FTW! It has begun! Only 29 more days...


Unknown said...

Today must have been animal weird, that we both made animal petting videos?....I will chalk it up to great minds that think alike.... ;)

Anonymous said...

Ashley must taste good. Must be salty. :D I'm pretty sure steers stomp and snort in warning, so I'm not surprised the cows back off in response to plosive sounds.

Krystian said...

Ha, that's so funny, have never seen cows act like that before. Really seemed like house pets how they wag their tails, and their curiosity. Great Vid'.

Rupert said...

Amazing. I've never seen cows do that. I've been in a lot of cow fields, and I have family with cows, but every cows I've ever met has run away. Or maybe I just haven't knelt down and held out my hand.

Funny that they respond like that to the breathing, too. I think of images of bulls blowing out of their nostrils and pawing the ground before charging - I guess breathing hard out of your nose is a sign of aggression in cowese.

Also, it's funny that it surprised me that this was in Florida. It was like a field in England. Not what I associate with Florida *at all* :)

VloMo08! Vlog on!

kath / AliaK said...

wow they're so tame.

Anonymous said...

I never would have thought cows were petable.

Unknown said...

BooBoo MooCows!

They were sooooo sweet! I love baby cows. I love how they like to suck on your hand and they like noogies. Those two were so sweet and curious and dear.

I work the farm at SUmmer camp one year and our babycow follwed me around like a puppy and sucked on my elbow if I stood still long enough.

Didn't eat meat for 5 years after that.

Your Grandma has some happy looking cows! And in Florida?

Anonymous said...

The cow whisperer. Very nicely done.
And virtually no edit time.
Way to go.