Friday, November 07, 2008

Oh Yes We Did

what an amazing and emotional day november 4th was. i was up at 3:30 am to be a poll worker and went to bed at about 1 am. it was a long day. i wasn't sure i was allowed to record in the polling place, so i didn't get as much footage as i wanted, but hey, we won!


BenoƮt said...

Yes you did!!!
My kids saw me crying for the first time in their life. I had to explain to them that sometimes peoplpe cry when they are really, really happy.

missbhavens said...

I'm still such an emotional trainwreck! I cried when he won. I cry when I *think* about him winning. Now I cry every single time I see a video of that moment...even three days later!

NO IDEA when (if) I'll ever stop.

Ashley Hodson said...

Thanks for working so hard to swing VA!

David said...

Lea and I bawled. Such tears of happiness and relief. I don't think I've ever been so happy. As I've said elsewhere, I think I finally understand how my parents felt when Kennedy was elected.

Unknown said...

To a new begining......I hope....


oh Ryanne, I love ya. I cried so much this week and now you made me cry again. But I'm so happy! For all of us :-)



Levois said...

I'm sure you did a great job as a poll worker on Election Day. When Obama won the Election I was in the bathroom. I don't remember what I was doing, but my roommate had the TV on and I was like WTF. I missed the moment when Obama was projected to win the election. :(

All the same, me and some guys on campus had a little march around the Atlanta University Center to commemorate Obama's win. Fun and exciting night.

I think I'll forward this video to someone.

ZN said...

Amazing experience and so good to see you crying for so good reasons. We share our hope with you on a good president.
Rgds from Amsterdam, Ana e ZN

Unknown said...

Love those tears. LOVE THOSE TEARS!

rob parrish said...

Joy and tears, and adults in charge at fucking last!!!!!

Thanks for all you did.

Doesn't feel great to be proud of the President!



Hi Ryanne,
Good work, Poll Worker..right on..!
I was Voter #1 in Times Sq. NYC, went down there about 4.30AM and by the time I voted at 6.05AM I came out and there were thousands of people lined up to a big round of applause because you know NYC is Obama Land!

Big Howdy to Jay, have a happy / healthy Holidays!
c u,

Amuseline said...

Good work, Ryanne! I hope life will now improve!

cheers!! :-)