Sunday, July 31, 2005

Videoblogging/Podcasting Session

Photo by SAR, read about our session here.
Video to come!


3 comments: said...

I’m curious as to your position on “corporate sponsorship” for Vlogging. I’ve heard that many of the vloggers involved in the yahoo group are actually “paid to vlog”. Your comments?

Cheryl Shuman

schlomo rabinowitz said...

Holding that mic like a rock star!

And yes, I get "paid to vlog"-- I get paid in blood, sweat, and hugs.

Anonymous said...

HMM>> you have a lot of links from Micheal's vlog. But not the ying and yang? .. What was your thoughts about that? Wait I saw your comment.. anyways. So explain what you said that you have the same feelings as Michael.?