I'm linking to Verdi's videos because he's been taking great footage while we're here. Also, I was trying not to be nervous today for my presentation and didn't tape as much as I would have liked. Zadi and Verdi both taped my presentation, so i'll be sure to get some clips to put up. It was fun and our session had great people!
haha, what a hot photo :D
Hey Ryanne, Verdi, Jay, Markus & Dave
I saw that in Nancy White's transcription of the final wrap-up session that there were a number of people who were inspired to start getting more into vlogging:
Looks like everyone's evangelizing made a bit of a splash.
It's very cool that you all are so much into developing this community.
I think that that two-sided flier packed with vlog resources is a perfect metaphor for what you guys have been able to accomplish so far.
I'm a fairly technically-minded filmmaker, and even I found myself watching some of the instructional videos on freevlog in order to get vlog up and running. Thanks. And I know that many others have used these resources as well -- and will continue to from around the world.
This got me to thinking about that famos McLuhan aphorism, "The medium is the Message," talking about the change in relating to each other that comes with these types of technological advances.
Then I googled it and came across an appropriate passage from this site:
"McLuhan tells us that a 'message' is, 'the change of scale or pace or pattern' that a new invention or innovation "introduces into human affairs." (McLuhan 8) Note that it is not the content or use of the innovation, but the change in inter-personal dynamics that the innovation brings with it."
So it's about the people, and how we relate to each other in new ways, and this will continue to evolve as the vlogosphere grows.
Anyway, sorry for the rambling message, but I thought I'd just share some my thoughts that came up from this video -- and from monitoring some of the vlog buzz coming from BlogHer.
Sounds like it was a worthwhile trip.
heeheeheeheeheehee. nice slice o' vlog conventioneer life.
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