Saturday, July 14, 2007

We're going to Thailand and Cambodia!

we're going to southeast asia to work with Prevent Human Trafficking Institute to help them document the work they're doing to, as their name implies, prevent human trafficking. we are super excited to be helping an organization like this share their stories on the web through video. we recorded this video using a Vcam Now 2.0 toy camera.
Book Coverwe're bringing 3 of these along with a heftier Canon Powershot that we'll be delivering to a school that Beth Kanter helps run in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. w00t! hopefully we can spark their interest in capturing moments of the students there!

Thanks to Nick Schmidt for sending me 20 Thai bucks!


Anonymous said...

Rock on! You two are really traveling a lot.. I'm a bit jealous :)

Pretty good video for a toy camera, huh.

Anonymous said...

One night in Bangkok makes a hard man crumble. So watch out. I always wondered about those cameras. Not half bad. You guys are the Louis Armstrongs of videoblogging. Congrats and safe travels. I will pray for your intestines.

rob parrish said...

Great guys!! Best of luck. Looking forward to the seeing the video you shoot.


Jen Simmons said...

That's AMAZING that a $70 camera can shoot video that great. I am thinking back to the days when I was jonezn for a VHS camera, any VHS camera, but couldn't afford one - that was just over 10 years ago! And today, for 70 bucks you can get this thing? Wow.

Anonymous said...

excellent! Can't wait. I just you a bunch of Cambodian riels to add you to your collection!

Anonymous said...

Looks great ..

Anonymous said...

That is too fucking cool!!!!

B said...

That's called gettin' it done, folks. Love those kids w/ cameras.

Anonymous said...

Cool! You guys are going to learn a lot hanging out with Christina. Her focus is more on prevention than rehabilitation. Look forward to checking out your vids.

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show you - how creative you can get even with the simplest of technology! Nice job!

Anonymous said...

[i think i'm restructurating my projects...]
[are those cameras good for a little big screens?]
have a great time.

Anonymous said...

Word!! that is my money!! Spend it well. The guy on the bill, is actually the prince.. FYI

I can't wait to see how you spend it!!!

Leah G said...

word! safe travels. Awesome to hear about people making it happen!!

Anonymous said...

The last post:

Leah G said...
word! safe travels. Awesome to hear about people making it happen!!

Well Leah is correct, you and Jay are making "it" happen, I wish I were there to help . . . please do not stop, y'all are "kewel".

From Mississippi, thanks.

Anonymous said...

it's so amazing, what you do - bringing people closer together, breaking boundaries.
It sounds like Cambodia has dealt with the reconciliation after the Khmer Rouge genocide incredibly well. But having to deal with the sex trade and human trafficking, of women and children. .. Jesus.
There were some great BBC Radio 4 shows about it a couple of years ago. Let me dig out links for you.
The audio:
And a text article about it:

And here's another less depressing one from 2001:

have an amazing trip!

Carl Weaver said...

Are you guys hooked up at all with Nicholas Negroponte and the OLPC movement? If not, let me know or get in touch with him somehow. That's a natural tie-in for you.

Check out the folks at - good folks.


WOW...Best of Luck and have a safe/smooth and super-successful trip on you Mission Jay & Ryanne!
Give me a blast when you get back.
c u in a minute,
Jon Hammond
of HammondCast
an old MNN/MCTV'er (24 years & still on cable) and Node101 Alum don't ya' know!
*p.s. let me know if they could use some music over there pls.