Monday, March 19, 2007

New Freevlog

New Freevlog!
direct .mp4 file

yep, we finally got the new freevlog started! the basic tutorial is re-done completely, with a couple more extras to go, but for now anyone can get started with the basics. have fun, enjoy!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mail Love

Mail Love
direct .mp4 file

Nick Schmidt sent me some software and made me promise to pass the mail love on and make a here's the proof, yo!

i made this music on Soundtrack over a year ago and never had a video that went with it. looks like i finally found a match!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Texas Momentshowing

this is my first time in texas, though two of my partners in videoblogging crime are from here. hmm. verdi, jay and i will be doing a SXSW workshop on videoblogging tomorrow. thanks to susan for putting it on i'll also be speaking on zadi's panel, Production Companies 2.0, on saturday at 5pm. see you all soon!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

SF to Phoenix-i thought of this


jay and i are on the road to SXSW. we drove 730 miles from san fran to phoenix in one day. we're at cheryl colan's house, founder of NODE101::Phoenix, hurray, you'll know cheryl when you see her license plate! that's hardcore. we were listening to the yeah yeah yeah's in the car. the song maps reminded me of this video of the first vloggercon, because it's in the end. it made me teary eyed. it really did. i love videobloggers, i love being around them and collaborating. i love that they understand when i need to just sit and be on my computer and not talk to anyone and sleep on their couch. some of you might remember this blizzardy weekend in NYC. for those of you that came after vloggercon 2005, we're glad you're here! SIGH. on to truth or consequences, new mexico and then to san antonio.

see the january2005 archives here. i was going to link to the permalink, but hell, why not look at all that crazy stuff in the beginning while you're there.