Friday, February 23, 2007

Can I Get A Witness?

sometimes i feel a little crazy and i need to share it. do you feel crazy too? let's feel crazy together. we flew overnight from San Fran to NYC. haven't been here since we moved last year. it feels different because we're staying in a hotel and not in our apartment. so much happening all the time, i can barely keep up. sometimes i forget to do things i was supposed to do. talk of vloggercon happening again happened today. it's overwhelming and exciting. what comes next? i don't know, but can i get a witness? i need a witness and some company in the insanity that is just life. let's go.


Anonymous said...


Clintus McGintus said...

love these videos of randomness. I'm so jealous.

B said...

I just saw you, so I witness as well. I guess I should go watch the panel you're on instead of watching you on the internets. Ivettza says you look badass. Couldn't agree more.

Levois said...

What is this? A revival? LOL!!!


i am a witnessed!

art & thought mechanic said...

! stalk you while hullahooping
(points @you)

Here's a digital artcard.
Happy HATFACTORY OpenHouse Today.
Highfive the MrMan Jay for me.
I says WarmFuzzyCrazzy Hellos.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya as well. Beautiful new camera, great images, great colors, the audio is a tad eh, but not one camera maker out there has the whole she-bang. I like the new look though. The madness is just beginning. Life is always stranger than fiction. It's great.

Unknown said...

The Shins is a great soundtrack to any sort of "homecoming" :)

Anonymous said...

So I was running late getting to work because my ebay buyers paid for their auctions and I was frantically printing out the postage before the mailman got here and as soon as I got the door unlocked at work the phone was ringing and it was one of our artists who can't find anyone to photograph his work for our upcoming show because his old photographer just quit and could I help him find someone and then Ron walked in and needed help trying to fill out an online application and upload photos when our graphic designer emailed me a draft of our ad which is due tomorrow in a major publication, but it looked weird so I called her but she was going into a meeting and promised to call me afterwards but then the painter came in who is going to paint the interior of the gallery and I had to stop to pick paint colors and right about then another salesman came in who wants me to advertise in the gay guide to the Cape and the Islands but the phone rang and it was the man who is interested in renting the space next door but I tried to put him off so I could call the woman who looked at the space before him and who I really want as a neighbor when another neighbor stopped in to say there's a neighborhood meeting tomorrow night about a proposed building renovation and could I bring a covered dish but I should call the meeting hostess first to see what she's serving when a guy with a stutter and a heavy southern accent called to ask me what David's email meant and how many wooden bowls did we want to order and at the same time two florists from Rhode Island came in and told me about an artist that makes wooden fountain pens that I might want to carry in the gallery but by then it was time to close early so I could make it to my Civilian Police Academy class whose topic tonight is gang violence but not before I checked my auctions on ebay again and proofed yet another draft of that ad from this morning. So yeah, I can identify!