Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Vloggercon Promo-Old Media

Vloggercon Promo-This Much Fun!

i'm having a lot of fun making vloggercon promos! feel free to steal this and re-post, of course.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Friday, April 07, 2006

Videoblogging Week-Day 5: Ourmedia 2.0

some of you may noticed the issues with ourmedia-uploads don't always work, videos are slow. well, buck up! we're working on it. one of the big reasons i moved to SF was to help re-vamp ourmedia. one of the most exciting pieces, that i'm really pushing for, is announced here!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Videoblogging Week-Day 4: FreeVlog Version 3.0

verdi and i are about to revamp freevlog. so get ready!
p.s. i did this with ichat and snapz pro, so my processor was hating me. notice the funky sound and video artifacts. i'm glad it actually worked though.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Videoblogging Week-Day 3: Center for Regenerative Design

Meet Andres Edwards, author of The Sustainability Revolution and Co-Director of the College of Marin's Center for Regenerative Design. The CRD is part of an initiative to re-build the college's campus using sustainable design and green building practices and education. Jay and I are producing the docutmentation via this videoblog: http://marincc.blogspot.com

Monday, April 03, 2006

Videoblogging Week-Day 1: CoWorking

my theme of this week is going to be the projects that i have some part in.
let me tell you, there are plenty!
for more info on SF go to tehspace.com
tara hunt is here. chris messina is here.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

has officially started. this means you make a video a day this whole week and tag it at technorati using this code in your posts:

see it on verdi's blog HERE

Check Out Videoblogging Week 2005

Last year, I compiled all the videos made for Videoblogging Week. Am I insane? Yes. Check out everyone who did it and the videos they made. VB Week 2006 starts today. So tag your posts with this code as shown on verdi's site (blogger won't let me post it as text!).
