Thursday, April 28, 2005

A Gift


YRG said...

Yeah, but can it shut off light switches?

Josh Leo said...

awww...My cat (Little Jerry Seinfeld) was a stray too, they stay that revenous even though you feed them constantly. Your new cat looks a little bit like my cat...the same markings! Cats are cool. Hooray!

Zadi said...

that cat is sooo happy to be there with you. i think you made his day. i'm a sucker for strays. :)

A.O. Flores said...

What's up with vloggers and their cats?

I HATE CATS!!! Well, that's kindda a strong statement. Afterall I did take in a stray named, Big Man when I was in High School. He was the coolest.

Other than that I pretty much think they stink, shed too much, and suck dog... (clearing throat)...

Since a cat post is probably my last rite of passage as vlogger, I have to do something creative to convey my feelings for friggn' felines.

Venessa said...

That cat is IN LOVE! So if you keep him, have you picked out a name? I think you should name him after some great independent filmmaker. :)

Anonymous said...

how about "chimney sweep"?
or "illegal immigrant"?
or um, "spastic hungry stray"?
maybe "vaccinate me", or, oh oh, "little muffin"?
hey ryan, you have a cat, give it a good name!
i can't wait to pull it by it's tail and shake it's head until it's dizzy, cats love that stuff.

Annie said...

i wonder what jay has to say about this.

i want to do a cat video too; i wish i wasn't allergic to cats.

Anonymous said...

Gee, if I had known you WANTED a cat, I would have sent one home with you!
Cause don'tcha know we have like three too many? Just remember all the stuff it needs, like neutering, vaccinations, etc. Oh well......

Anonymous said...

please name him/her jj fever or fever or little jj fever. thanks....jjfever5k

Anonymous said...

So, I did a vlog reply to this post. You really have to see the way my dog reacted after Ryanne started talking in her "talk to animals voice" (we all talk the same way, are we trained that way?). It's up at

Lukas Blakk said...

i guess you might be joining the "making videos of your pets" club - welcome. By the way, I love that you're wearing a Need shirt - they're one of my favourite bands.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're able to keep him. He seems to really like you and be happy there. He's so cute and seems to sweet.

Anonymous said...

I, the Cat-God, thank you for taking in my wayward child, please treat him with love and compassion.

Chuck Olsen said...

kitty so cuuuuute!

i just had my enormous obese cat shaved.
Here she is.

Anonymous said...

Weezer show Thursday.
Sold out.
Tickets muy expensivo on eBay.
Scalper time.

That cat is ferretish.
Advice: even if you don't get him vaccinated immediately, have him checked for ear mites. Most strays got 'em. They can screw up their hearing if left unchecked. And they itch (I've heard).