Monday, March 27, 2006


we made it to california!


Anonymous said...

I'm soo jealous right now!
It's cold, dark and raining here in Stockholm..

Levois said...

I hope you guys had a safe trip. Seems like an interesting ride.

Anonymous said...

IT has been an absolute pleasure catching glimpses of your ride across the country, it will hopefully hold me off for another two months. 4 more regular, then the po's. Talking in code. The dedication to keep these posts regular is admirable, so that you wouldn't ruin the flow of the road trip. I, the viewer, was on what I'm thinking was a 2-3 day delay, maybe more, maybe less, I don't know. Just letting you know that I enjoyed the clips of roads passing, and states called out, and Dedman meowing in just about every video.

Mary Beth said...

Glad you made it!

CT said...

So glad you made it to Cali. Loved the videos along the way. When do we see the new place! Or you could um, get some sleep.

Anonymous said...

awesome guys!! You made it!!!

How long did it take?

Chuck Olsen said...

i love your kitty!

i bet your kitty would be best friends with our kitty.

oh yeah, and glad you made it all that way. i've never driven that far. looked freaking exhausting.

Anonymous said...

Wooo hooo, congrats on making it to SF! We've been watching your blogs; neat that you kept it going during the whole trek. Your constantly inquisitive cat is very cute and seemed to like the ride? Again, congrats!

Carl Weaver said...

So Ryan, where are we?

I think we're all on hard drives in a server farm somewhere in Texas, but computers help it make us look like we have arrived in CA.

Great trip, guys. Thanks for sharing it with us. I can't wait to meet you this summer.

Anonymous said...

wow, well done!! we drove from Devon to Edinburgh once, but that doesn't really compare.

AND you made it for vloggercon! ;-)

Anonymous said...

you made the trip in record time by recording time. thanks for taking us all with you. that "halloween by the sea" is lucky to have you.

Devlon said...

Thanks for posting all of these, it's been a treat to watch.

It's been such a long time since I've done a real road trip, I am so jealous....and I've never vlogged about it. That was in the pre-vlog era.

Hope to see you guys at Vloggercon.

Bernie said...

welcome to california. i'm so glad that you guys made it. by the way thanks for adding into your freevlog. i really appreciate it. i hope i'll be able to attend the vloggercon. i'm here in socal. take care.