from the infamous private videoblog that jay and i started to get to know one another. I was all "lets 'collaborate' and make some videos for each other". We soon figured out that we had crushes, videoblog crushes. i'm sure in the next year, we'll see some more of these geek relationships bloom.
yeah that is capital "A" AMAZING.
I too have begun a blooming geek collaborative communicaton with a crush across states.
I actually used my cellphone for 4 hours straight. I haven"t had a phone conversation that long in over 10 years probaly since junior high.
anyway gonna bounce and see your other video.
You're right, it is self-absorbed TV---BUT it's also an incredible way to reach and teach on every level and every possible subject. Congratulations to you two! (On the anniversary,that is!)
Jay looks much better without the mustache and hair. ;)
So maybe it's self-absorbed TV... and "Extreme Makeover" and all the other BS reality shows aren't? Personally I think it's incredibly cool. It's a slice of a real life. Thank you for sharing the story of your love for each other. It's an honor to be allowed to watch.
Geek relationships are the best kind! Congrats guys!
This is incredibly cute. I hope you guys post some more or at least the response. The best part is "Is she your friend?" "Yup, she's my friend." Congrats on your one year.
jay posted some more vids over here:
Ya know, I like the facial hair.
All the cool relatioship stuff aside, which is great, I have to say that the facial hair and longer mop make Jay look a bit older than I am used to.
Congrats, Ryan and Jay. I think this is about the coolest thing going - videoblogging as a way not just to connect with other folks, but to ignite that flame within each other's souls.
dude, i think he likes you.
that was the cutest and most naturally awkward vlog i've seen; you could tell he was nervous and really digging you!
it IS self absorbed tv - but it can also be meaningful.
"Can you imagine if everyone started doing this?" I think we're trying to do just that.
I love your archives :)
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