so chill and i'm transcoding it so anyone can watch it.
i didnt make this video, i revlogged it, so don't blame me.
oh, and it's 9 minutes long, thats why it takes a while. still worth it.

thanks to dave over at evil genius chronicles, you can now hack into the CVS Disposable video camera. $30 for a digital camera? that's the nice price!
Did you move over to QT7? Got QT error in ANT. :(
didn't work for me with iTunes either... :(
It took a long long time to load and play. It was certainly well-done good technical instruction.
However, I wonder if we make a mistake on focusing on the camera barrier to vlogging.
Won't far more people be blocked from vlogging by lack of access to computers new enough and strong enough to post video?
For instance, you aren't allowed to upload at public libraries or Internet cafes.
Many people have PCs which have always been years behind Macs when it comes to handling video.
I suspect this issue of "access" to vlogging at achools, etc. is soon going to be a hotly discussed subject.
Ryann . . . I could not wait forever for the video to play, I have high speed connection, but still I have noticed lately that most of your videos are very long in loading, perhaps you might need to check this out.
I still like the content of your work and look forward to reviewing more . . . thanks for being one of the leaders in vlogging, you and Jay have done a remarkable task.
I am 70 years old and am very impressed as to what we have for modern communications today . . .
please keep up the good work.
Yeah, it won't work for me either. I'm assuming it's QT7. Make a QT6 version!!
Blogging from Airplanes
Blogging from Airplanes Gadling alerts us to the brand new travel blog called InFlightHQ - tips, tools and techniques for inflight productivity .
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
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I'm on a Mac, I have QT 7.0.1 and still couldn't watch the video... (?) I wonder, does it have to be QT Pro?
I'm on a Mac, I have QT 7.0.1 and still couldn't watch the video... (?) I wonder, does it have to be QT Pro?
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