Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Writers Guild On Strike

we were in LA today and got to witness the strikes firsthand. good for them.

NaVloPoMo Day 5 y'all. what will it be like on Day 17? will we all be totally burnt?


A.O. Flores said...

For some reason, I think we won't be burnt but energized.

Anonymous said...

I have a funny comment about this.

They have a twitter page.
When they are on strike, the goal is to NOT wrote.. right? LOL.

I agree with them!! So i just thought that was ironic..

don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I have a funny comment about this.

They have a twitter page.
When they are on strike, the goal is to NOT wrote.. right? LOL.

I agree with them!! So i just thought that was ironic..

don't you think?

Anonymous said...

That was so 'live'. So great to see it. Viva the writers.

Anonymous said...

Go Writers...Go!
Go Writers...Go!
Go Writers...Go!


Go Ryanne...Go!