Saturday, February 10, 2007

Vegas Baby, Vegas

Vegas, the attraction, is hell. Don't go there unless invited. It's expensive and disappointing, even if you're not gambling. You're gambling your time by even being there, IMHO.


Mike Ambs said...

I was watching this in Democracy - and Amanda walked in behind me just as the shot of desert came up :) both of us at the same time said "yuummm". Guess you had to be there... it was kinda' funny.

I haven't been to Vegas since I drove thru on the way here, that was 3 years ago... I need to go back.

Mike Ambs said...

Hmm... when I typed "desert", I meant to say 'dessert... since there is a shot of both in this vlog - I thought that might be confusing :)

Dan said...

I've been waiting for the Vegas video. Too bad I didn't get in it. (I was the guy 4 seats down from you on the panel).

It was nice meeting you, Matt, and Amanda.

ryanne said...

yes next time we're in vegas, i want to hang with the locals. the strip is hell. i know there are some cool folks there...let's hook it up! vegas bloggers unite.

Anonymous said...

nickel slots baby!

Steve Woolf said...

that was a great video. you were there for NATPE, I assume? very cool to be invited to that.

my parents moved to vegas from new york last year. kind of cool being able to stay in a house off the strip as opposed to a hotel. a very different experience.

i love vegas, but only in small doses. thank god a place with such decadence can exist in this over-moralized society.

Lan Bui (of The Bui Brothers) said...

The food is great in vegas.

Carl Weaver said...

Never been there but strangely I am more disgusted and intrigued every time I see a video about it. Is it my subconscious desire for filth and cleaning that makes me feel that way? I don't get it.

Looks like you guys had a good time. I thought you were going to say you got a quickie wedding while there.

Anthony said...

Was that cannoli as good as it looked? It sure looked good. I want a cannoli. Hopefully I don't have to go all the way to vegas to find one.

Unknown said...

I agree with Steve, different places helps to have every kind of perception, never be in vegas neither in ny but wherever I go outside Italy or simply outside my city I try to understand, because different from me or my way of life does not seems that is hell ;)

schlomo rabinowitz said...

I'm with you on the Vegas Hatin'. Just the worst. Last time I was there, I stayed at New York, New York..blech.

But I made a video of it, of course!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love how other people think of "New York" as just Times Square?

I love Jay's comment that media execs were puzzled as to how vloggers can attact a big audience without spending lots of money.i

B said...

I used to have an uncle who lived in a Vegas suburb. They called him "Woody", and he smoked while he hauled around an oxygen tank, so we all thought he was gonna explode. Every morning, he would go to the casino and have breakfast and gamble. He had a curio cabinet of Hummel figurines in his house. He WAS Vegas.

Lisa Williams said...

Fake New York made me laugh so hard. And damn, those cookies looked good. I don't care if they were served in a totally fake environment, they looked like real cookies to me...

JuanFalla said...

I like Las vegas. Specially to go and "experience" Cirque du Soleil.

Jay's history lesson on the Luxor was AWESOME!

missbhavens said...

The only things I like about Vegas are the The Attic vintage clothing store and the Liberace Museum.

The magic of these two places alone are worth subjecting myself to a second trip.

Nice cannolli.