Wednesday, September 20, 2006

3 minutes of OMG

today was like motherfucking christmas. sony lent me a VX2100 camera to check out (OMG). we bought tickets to go to india for a month because we were invited to the air jaldi conference in dharamsala (OMG). i'm speechless and incredibly grateful. so much so, that i decided to compress this video in real widescreen!


Mike Ambs said...

Holy crap! To "check out" as in you don't ever have to send it back :)

Anonymous said...

New camera AND time in India? Man, is it ok to be jealous…? Because I am, a bit ;).

missbhavens said...


Wow. Wowwie wow wow.

Awesome. Beyond awesome. All of it!

Anonymous said...

nice news, nice camera, nice eyes

Steve Woolf said...

Awesomeness in it's purest and unadulterated form. And the camera's nice too. Wait til you try it in low light -- that's when it's at its best.

Anonymous said...

WTH? Did you like that camera or something? I did like the graphics. I don't know much about cameras but it had awsum graphics. Colors were nice too. I want one now. And India? I wish I could go some time....

Anonymous said...

Please don't have all of your videos in widescreen now. I love fullscreen. :(

Have fun in India whenever it is that you go. I hope that we get to see some good vlog footage from there.

Evan (

taxiplasm said...

now you know how I feel luggin my 100A everywhere to vlog.


Headsoff said...

start training yourself not to touch your face! i think we had this discussion already ryanne, but i'm serious! that's the only advice offered by a good friend who spends a fair amount of time in India...

so awesome guys, i can't wait to see what you create.

Faux Press said...

Dang! This is great news on all fronts. Have been meaning to post my congratulations on your engagement as well but life ($-making stuff) has taken over here. Do forgive me for the lateness of good wishes. Couldn't happen to two more amazing human beings. XOX

Anonymous said...

I am so inspired that you guys are taking an entire month to be there then.

Chris Daniel said...

Congrats on the camera and the trip! You're going to get some great footage. 3 chips rock!

Melanie said...

Great big congrats on everything happening for you guys right now! You more than deserve it.

BTW, we've definitely got to get you and Jay on VlogTV to talk about it.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or was that in widescreen? I love the little (pop!) the screen guard made. And you both look vivid!

I was thinking today, I'm lonely. Not for friends or a lover, but for a fellow vlogger in close proximity who isn't afraid to shoot me whenever, when I'm not expecting, totally unplanned.

I think I'm gonna have to date a vlogger, or get a vlogger roomie, so satisfy this urge.

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous that you get to go to India to that conference. I am so happy for you guys. let me know if you are going anywhere to Mumbai - we have an office there and they would love to meet you. You get to keep the camera don't you?

Anthony said...

That is all so very very cool! I'm here in my living room smiling as I type cause I am very happy for you guys. Very cool!

B said...

STUNNING. All of it. Yow. Ryanne, you happen to look wonderful; don't say that :) HUGE congratulations.

Erin said...

Wow!! I bet you would have been shocked a year ago if you could have had a glimpse into your future to see where vlogging would take you. Heck, I'm sure you're shocked now! Congrats on the cool stuff happening. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

That is SOOOO friggen Christmas indeed. I just love the 16 x 9, and the 3ccd is the secret for bright colors for sure. WOOOW
congratulations and looking forward for more from that cam (and you guys ofcourse)

Anonymous said...


I have been looking at your Blog page since you lived back in Boston. How come you don't post any interesting Vlogs anymore? What do you do these days?


ryanne said...

if you don't think any of these videos are interesting, why have you been watching for TWO YEARS since i lived in boston?
what have i been doing lately?
it's all on the blog!

Anonymous said...

What I meant was.. you used to post regularly, really interesting / amaging vlogs about your life and your thoughts. Now you just post vlogs about vloging and traveling to meet other vlogers. I guess I was wondering if you still do creative stuff?


ryanne said...

do i even have to answer this?
look, i've dedicated a large percentage of my life to teaching and spreading and creating videoblogs(videoblogging), if that isn't a good use of my 'creativity' then i don't know what is really. i create video and help people do the same daily. for me, i have found a calling and this is it. if you find that boring, then i suggest you go elsewhere because this *is* my life.


p.s. i'd be grant if you put your email info so we didnt have to have this discussion on the blog comments.

Anonymous said...

Dope! just like the PD 150.

Anonymous said...

That camera is amazing..did it take a long time to compress that?

let me know

have you tried teh sanyo xachti HD1 yet? or have you heard anything about it yet? it is way smaller and still has HD

Rachael G. said...

that is so sweet that sony let you borrow that camera - nice!

and Ryanne, you are gorgeous! I don't think you could "look awful" if you tried.

Koan said...

Result! Respect! Recognition! All deserved!

If you bump into His Holiness while you're there, send him a "hi!" from me - the Dalai Lama is a seriously cool (and very funny) guy.

Tagami said...

I've got to learn to read my feeds. This is soo cool you guys!

You know I've set up a link about a month ago to coincide with this event. I've received interest from 4 or 5 folks already. Not sure I'll be able to go even though I have my ticket already.

I should forward all of the contacts I have that were interested in gathering together.

Carl Weaver said...

Damn - that's great news! Congratulations, even though I am way behind in reading everyone's posts. That is like the trip of a lifetime. I hope you really enjoy it and have a very meaningful experience there in India. I understand that going there is a life-changing event!

Zadi said...

Dude!! I'm so happy for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world. :)) yay!

PS: the sony vx2100 rocks... especially in lowlight situations - it can't be beat. and it's sturdy as hell. you'll get a lot of good use out of it. :) oh, and the color is great...